| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
During the summer holidays before the fifth school year in Hogwarts Harry Potter waits for bad news from the magical world which should undoubtedly accompany Lord Voldemort's return. Nevertheless nothing happens until a hot summer day when two Dementors appear in Little Whinging who attttack Harry and Dudley.
With a request for a hearing in his luggage Harry travels with a guard of approved magicians to the secret hiding place of the Order of the Phoe nix.
Harry hopes to be allowed to help fighting the Dark Lord now, but finally he is disappointed, because his assistance seems not to be welcome.
Back in Hogwarts he cannot simply accept the given circumstances and together with his friends forms a group of pupils who resist the theoretical Defence against the Dark Arts lessons. During this term Harry Potter gains an explosive insight into Voldemort's present life which gives Harry's life a serious setback...
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