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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Chapter 36 - The Flaw in the Plan

Chapter 36 - The Flaw in the Plan

Harry lies on the ground his face facing the floor and waits until the Death Eaters celebrate their success, but nothing happens. As he opens his eyes he sees the dark lord sitting on the ground with his fellowship around him. Voldemort was unconscious and does not dare to approach Harry so he relies on Narcissa Malfoy who misinforms him by alleging that Harry is indeed dead. Voldemort is happy, that no one can endanger him anymore. Hagrid is forced to carry the limp boy back to the castle where the survivors refuse to believe that everything is lost.
Neville tries to stand up against Voldemort and as a punishment his head is set aflame. He nevertheless manages to kill Nagini with Gryffindor′s sword and the fight begins once more. The Death Eaters are fighting until Voldemort′s closest Death Eater dies. Voldemort becomes very angry and Harry reveals himself to him. Harry annoyes the lord even more by presenting him his faults. Both of them attack each other and Voldemort gets hit by his own Avada Kedavra spell, since the elder wand is taking Harry′s side. Everyone celebrates happily and Harry creeps under his invisibility cloak with his two friends. They go to the headmasters office. The portraits are giving standing ovations. He brakes his word on Dumbledore and explains, that he lost the stone and doesn′t want to search for it, he wants to keep the present of Ignotus and wants his own wand back, which has being fixed by the elder wand. The elder wand is being brought back to it′s original place. It looses its power if Harry will die a natural death one day.