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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Chapter 35 - King′s Cross

Chapter 35 - King′s Cross

Harry wakes up naked on a strange place, which is covered in fog. He sees a domed roof and at the same time a small child, which is bending on the ground. Dumbledore shows up and sits down on the two chairs that suddenly come to Harry′s mind. Dumbledore explains to him, that he is proud of him and that Harry isn′t as dead as himself. Dumbledore drops, that Voldemort tied him to life as long as Voldemort lives. Harry doesn′t understand and Dumbledore says he is the seventh Horkrux. Dumbledore goes on and tells him the truth about the connection between Harry and Voldemort and why it got duplicated by his lack of knowledge. As Harry sees, that they are at Kings Cross station, both of them talk about the Deathly Hallows and the fault of Dumbledore. Dumbledore tells him which visions he had with Gindelwald and how his sister died. At the end it′s clear, that Harry is the real lord of death, because he is not fleeing from it. Harry knows that he has to go back and Dumbledore thinks he has a chance to win over Voldemort, even if Voldemort has the Elder Wand.