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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Chapter 24 - Sectumsempra

Chapter 24 - Sectumsempra

Harry agonises about another thing. He believes that he has fallen in love with Ginny, Ron′s younger sister. He thinks that Ron would never accept such a relationship between Ginny and him.
Katie Bell returns to Hogwarts on this day.
Lavender and Ron end their relationship, because she has seen him returning with Hermione from the bedrooms.
The Quidditch team gets better and better. A few days before the next match Harry finds Draco Malfoy crying in a boys′ bathroom. Draco is consoled by Moaning Myrtle. Harry and Draco fight a grim battle. When Draco is about to win Harry uses the unknown “Sectumsempra” curse he found in the scribbles of his Potions book, but whose effects he doesn’t know.
Draco can be healed at the last moment by Snape and Harry is ordered to give Professor Snape his Potions book. Finally Harry shows him Ron′s Potions book and no one finds out about his Half-Blood Prince.
During the Quidditch match Harry has to do his detention with Snape. Gryffindor wins the match anyway and when the jubilating team greets Harry, he kisses Ginny, which is accepted by Ron.