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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Chapter 32 - Out of the Fire

Chapter 32 - Out of the Fire

After Harry wakes up, Prof. Tofty, who is supervising the OWL examination, leads him out of the class. Harry can convince him that there is nothing wrong, so that he does not have to go to the hospital wing. After Harry cannot find anyone, whom he can tell of his nightmare, he tells Ron and Hermione that he saw how Voldemort killed Sirius. Hermione doesn′t believe it and tries to convince him that everything was only a dream. As Ginny and Luna join them, Hermione suggests distracting Professor Umbridge and Filch, as well as the Inquisitorial Squad, with the others, so that Harry can creep into Umbridge′s office. He shall contact Sirius.
In Umbridge′s office Harry begins to throw the Floo Powder into the fire-place but no one except Kreacher is at home. Just as Kreacher wants to tell him where Sirius is, Harry is discovered by Professor Umbridge. Snape joins them. When Snape wants to go, Harry shouts after him, that Padfoot is in danger. For Harry this is the only possibility to inform the Order of the Phoenix. Snape disappears confidently, so that Umbridge is alone with the group. She threatens them with the worst curses. Hermione doesn′t see another way out and tells her of a weapon, which they have to protect for Professor Dumbledore. Prof. Umbridge demands Hermione to show it to her.