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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Chapter 10 - The Marauder′s Map

Chapter 10 - The Marauder′s Map

Harry spends the entire weekend in the hospital wing and is thinking about the way the Dementors affect him. On Monday, luckily, Professor Lupin is back again and Professor Snape therefore does not get an extra opportunity to take even more points from Gryffindor. After the lesson Lupin asks Harry to stay for another conversation and promises to try and teach him how to fight the Dementors.
On the next Hogsmeade weekend, which is scheduled two weeks before Christmas, Harry sees his friends off and just wants to return to the common room when he meets Fred and George. They offer him the Marauder’s Map and explain its use for getting about the castle unnoticed and also for finding secret passages. Hence, Harry finally gets a chance to go to Hogsmeade himself.
In Honeydukes Harry encounters his friends and together they explore the small village. When they drink a Butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks, Harry overhears a conversation about the officially known version of Sirius’ actions, his connection to Harry’s father James and also the fate of Peter Pettigrew.