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Harry Potter and the Philosopher′s Stone

Chapter 3 - The Letters from No One

Chapter 3 - The Letters from No One

Finally the summer holidays begin normally a reason to be happy but Harry is hunted by Dudley′s gang. At the end of the holidays Harry is ought to go to a comprehensive school in the neighbourhood and Dudley is going to attend Smeltings, where Uncle Vernon has been too. That means for the first time Harry wouldn′t be at the same place with Dudley.
One a summer morning Harry receives a letter, the first letter in his life. But Uncle Vernon grabs it before Harry is able to open it. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia are appalled about the content of it. Harry doesn′t get the letter back, but instead he gets his own room. The next day Harry receives a new letter but again the Dursley′s do not give it to him. So it goes on and on. Daily Harry receives more and more letters until the point when Uncle Vernon has enough. He forces everyone to get into the car, speed off and nobody knows where they are going to. Nevertheless Harry gets letters even while they are on their trip. Uncle Vernon rents a boat and drives with them to a barrack which stands in the middle of a rock in the sea. When they arrive at their new place, Harry starts to count the minutes to his eleventh birthday. One second before midnight it loudly knocks on the door.