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Harry Potter and the Philosopher′s Stone

Chapter 15 - The Forbidden Forrest

Chapter 15 - The Forbidden Forrest

Leaving the Tower without Harrys Invisibility cloak they are caught by Filch. He guides them into Professor McGongall′s office. Surprisingly they are not the only first years there, Draco Malfoy got caught out of bed too. That means detention and deduction of points to all of them.

The detention takes place with Hagrid, who takes them into the Forbidden Forest, to continue the search for a injured unicorn. None of the pupils understand what it is all about. As Draco and Harry find the dying animal, there is an unknown animal or person dringing the blood of the unicorn. Harry′s scar begins to hurt as the figure approachs to the boys. The centaur Firenze, who lives in the forest rescues Harry.

After their return to school, Harry still argues that Snape is trying to steal the Philospher′s Stone, but Ron and Hermione try to quiet his instincts.