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Harry Potter and the Philosopher′s Stone

Chapter 14 - Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

Chapter 14 - Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

Harry and Ron are surprised by Hagrid in the library and become attentive to his strange behaviour. Hagrid seems to keep a secret.

To discover their huge friends secret they visit Hagrid and ask him about Professor Snape and the Philospher′s stone. Hagrids secret is an egg, a dragon egg.
A few days later the dragon hatches while Harry, Ron and Hermione are around. Unfortunately they are observed by Draco Malfoy. Due to that inconvenience the dragon can′t stay with Hagrid.

With the help of the Invisibility cloak and the assistance of Charlie Weasley they send the dragon called Norbert to a dragons reservation in Rumania.
But they forget the Invisibility cloak on the tower, from which Norbert has been picked up.