The mermaids of Anoa - -
Once upon a time there was a brave sailor named Freodil. He explored the entire coast of our country and he survived each imaginable adventure, which waited there for him. When he finally came to the island Anoa at the end of the river Arelon, he couldn’t believe his eyes. On a rock in the surf sat a mermaid. She had long shiny black hair, a smooth pale skin and a black-scaled fishtail. Freodil did not know that mermaids possess magical power. But the mermaid let the ship ran aground on the island Anoa, yet the sailor noticed quickly that it wasn’t a coincidence that he run aground at this time. He had observed the mermaid as she weaved her magic. He decided to ask her if she could not let him travel on. He chose his words carefully and said finally: “Oh, you beautiful mermaid, please, couldn’t you let us continue on, instead of keeping us here, on this island?” Thereupon the mermaid answered: “I will let you go, but only, if you answer me three questions. But remember, you have to answer these three questions truthfully.” Freodil promised that he would always answer honestly but he already lied at the first question and the mermaid noticed it and sent him with his crew and his ship far out on the sea. When Freodil had reached the middle of the ocean, she let the ship sink in a large whirlpool. Since then nobody heard anything of Freodil and his crew.